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Sharing QTEMP - what do?

Sharing QTEMP ibm_db2/odbc/pdo_ibm/RPG/xmlservice has a few quirks, but can be “mostly” done if you understand the jobs in play.

The big picture …

xmlservice |--LUW/PASE------|-----------------------IBM i----------------------
run type   |job 1 (1-2 tier)|  job 2 (stateless)        job 3 (IPC/private)
stateless  | php-client-----|-->QSQSRVR              |
          |                | ->ibm_db2,pdo_ibm,odbc |
          |                |   *iPLUGxxxx->         |
          |                | ->XMLSERVICE<>RPG      |
          |                | ->XMLSERVICE<>DB2 (xml)|
          |                | ->QTEMP (yes share)    |

IPC/private| php-client-----|--->QSQSRVR             |
          |                |  ->ibm_db2,pdo_ibm,odbc|
          |                |    *iPLUGxxxx----------|-->XMLSERVICE<>RPG
          |                |  ->QTEMP (no share)    | ->XMLSERVICE<>DB2 (xml)
          |                |                        | ->QTEMP (yes share)

Note: iPLUGxxx stored procedures are included with xmlservice download
  • php-client (job 1) - can be 1-tier (PASE) / 2-tier (Linux/Unix/Windows) and PHP using extension ibm_db2,pdo_ibm,odbc.

  • ibm_db2,pdo_ibm,odbc (job 2 ONLY) - can ONLY “share” QTEMP when running stateless XMLSERVICE<>RPG mode, therefore no IPC/private.

    • PHP ibm_db2,pdo_ibm,odbc are shown in stateless column (job 2), so that everyone is visually reminded that IBM i DB2 actions do not really occur in php-client (job 1), but actually run in an “acquired” DB2 pre-started job (ie. 1-tier/2-tier makes no difference).

      • 2-tier - “true” IBM i connection/job maybe QSQ (PASE), QWI (LUW), etc., but picture above remains consistent behavior for “sharing” QTEMP (job 2).

      • persistent connect - persistent connection (db2_pconnect/odbc_pconnect) or full connection (db2_connect/odbc_connect) makes no difference, big picture remains exactly the same for both connections. Of course you will run faster with persistent connections (up to 30-40%), due to QSQ server job already up and waiting, but you cannot rely on persistent connections to reach same QSQ job each script start / browser click.

        • exception - PASE ibm_db2 provides an obscure “in-line” mode only a few people understand where ibm_db2.ini file set to ibm_db2.i5_ignore_userid=1 will run all DB2 work under the default web profile and stateless in PASE php-client (job 1) … but only if pure PASE ibm_db2 site (no PASE odbc/pdo_ibm) … and … well gee … you are an expert if you understand i5_ignore_userid mode and you probably don’t need this documentation.
        • Note to future self ibm_db2, etc. … just like xmlservice has idle timeout today (1/2 hour), we really should have a timeout idle for persistent connections across db2.
  • XMLSERVICE<>RPG (job 2 or job 3) - is toolkit call to RPG program wishing to “share” QTEMP.

    • Stateless (job 2) - Generally run slower with more CPU challenges, re-started xmlservice running in “acquired” QSQ job under stored procedure call iPLUGxxx, but on return iPLUGxxx/xmlservice need to close up shop and lose all caches (shut down, wake up, shut down, wake up, …).

      • YES stateless - ibm_db2/odbc/pdo_ibm (job 2) CAN share QTEMP with XMLSERVICE<>RPG/XMLSERVICE<>DB2 (also job 2).
    • IPC/private (job 3) - Generally run faster with less CPU challenges, because xmlservice stays running until explicitly killed or idle timeout (1/2 hour default / user controlled).

      • NO IPC/private - ibm_db2/odbc/pdo_ibm (job 2) can NOT share QTEMP with XMLSERVICE<>RPG/XMLSERVICE<>DB2 (job 3).
  • XMLSERVICE<>DB2 (job 2 or job 3) - is NOT yet available in toolkit wrapper (Alan), but RAW xmlservice interface allows xml based DB2 queries and therefore can “share” QTEMP (available today in RAW xmlservice mode).

<?xml version='1.0'?>
id integer, breed varchar(32), name char(16),
weight decimal(7,2), height numeric(9,2))
insert into
animalq (id, breed, name, weight, height)
values (?,?,?,?,?)
<parm io='in'>1</parm>
<parm io='in'>cat</parm>
<parm io='in'>Pook</parm>
<parm io='in'>3.2</parm>
<parm io='in'>9.56</parm>
<parm io='in'>2</parm>
<parm io='in'>dog</parm>
<parm io='in'>Peaches</parm>
<parm io='in'>12.3</parm>
<parm io='in'>22.65</parm>
<prepare>select * from animalq where WEIGHT > 1.0</prepare>
<describe desc='col'/>
<fetch block='all' desc='on'/>

1) Specific examples for New PHP Toolkit

|              Browser                  |
| Download RPG (1) | Download PHP (2)   |
| 1) XMLSERVICE    | a) PHP CW Toolkit  |
|    HTML/XML/REST | b) New PHP Toolkit |<- cw-tk-php-x.x.x.zip (*)
|    no PHP        |--------------------|
|    (xmlcgi.pgm)  | c) PHP “Raw XML”   |
|    (optional)    |   (ibm_db2, odbc)  |
|    -----------------------------------|
| 2) XMLSERVICE DB2 stored procedures   |
|    (iPLUG4K, iPLUG32K, ..., iPLUG15M) |
| 3) XMLSERVICE (xmlservice.pgm)        |
|    call most anything on IBM i ...    |
|    (PGM, SRVPGM, PASE, DB2, etc.)     |
  • Stateless - connection (job 1 / job 2)
// *** stateless occurs when no internalKey (e.g. '/tmp/packers') was specified ***
// *** also when ->setToolkitServiceParams('stateless'=>true)) is called
try { $ToolkitServiceObj = ToolkitService::getInstance($database, $user, $password); }
catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); }
'plug'=>"iPLUG32K"));         // max size data i/o (iPLUG4K,32K,65K.512K,1M,5M,10M,15M)
  • State Full - connection (job 1 / job 2 / job 3)
$internalKey = '/tmp/packers';
try { $ToolkitServiceObj = ToolkitService::getInstance($database, $user, $password); }
catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); }
'InternalKey'=>$internalKey,  // *** RIGHT HERE internalKey/IPC
                              // *** run state full ...
                              //     use SBMJOB command run in new job
                              //     PHP can call again, again, again
                              //     with /tmp/packers and get ...
                              //     same job every time
                              //     same library list (*LIBL)
                              //     same PGMs with open files, etc.
                              //     ... exactly like 5250 sign-on screen
'plug'=>"iPLUG32K"));         // max size data i/o (iPLUG4K,32K,65K.512K,1M,5M,10M,15M)
  • persistent connections - later releases PHP Toolkit allow reused/shared connections with other work, including persistent connections, but internalKey (IPC) rules remain the same (above)
if ($i5persistentconnect) $conn = db2_pconnect($database,$user,$password);
else $conn = db2_connect($database,$user,$password);

try { $ToolkitServiceObj = ToolkitService::getInstance($conn); }
catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); }

2) Specific examples for XMLSERVICE

|              Browser                  |
| Download RPG (1) | Download PHP (2)   |
| 1) XMLSERVICE    | a) PHP CW Toolkit  |
|    HTML/XML/REST | b) New PHP Toolkit |
|    no PHP        |--------------------|
|    (xmlcgi.pgm)  | c) PHP “Raw XML”   |<- Zend Server for IBM i or Linux or Windows (*)
|    (optional)    |   (ibm_db2, odbc)  |
|    -----------------------------------|
| 2) XMLSERVICE DB2 stored procedures   |
|    (iPLUG4K, iPLUG32K, ..., iPLUG15M) |
| 3) XMLSERVICE (xmlservice.pgm)        |
|    call most anything on IBM i ...    |
|    (PGM, SRVPGM, PASE, DB2, etc.)     |
  • Stateless - (job 1 / job 2)
if ($i5persistentconnect) $conn = db2_pconnect($database,$user,$password);
else $conn = db2_connect($database,$user,$password);
if (!$conn) die("Bad connect: $database,$user");
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, "call $libxmlservice.iPLUG4K(?,?,?,?)");
if (!$stmt) die("Bad prepare: ".db2_stmt_errormsg());
$ipc = "";       // *** RIGHT HERE MISSING internalKey/IPC
$ctl = "*here";  // *** run stateless ...
               //     here in any available database job
               //     must set *LIBL evey time
// stateless - MUST do this every single script after connect/getInstance()
//             even if using persistent connections (db2_pconnect, odbc_pconnect)
$clobIn =
"<?xml version='1.0'?>
$clobOut = "";
$ret=db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "ipc", DB2_PARAM_IN);
$ret=db2_bind_param($stmt, 2, "ctl", DB2_PARAM_IN);
$ret=db2_bind_param($stmt, 3, "clobIn", DB2_PARAM_IN);
$ret=db2_bind_param($stmt, 4, "clobOut", DB2_PARAM_OUT);
  • State Full - (job 1 / job 2 / job 3)
if ($i5persistentconnect) $conn = db2_pconnect($database,$user,$password);
else $conn = db2_connect($database,$user,$password);
if (!$conn) die("Bad connect: $database,$user");
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, "call $libxmlservice.iPLUG4K(?,?,?,?)");
if (!$stmt) die("Bad prepare: ".db2_stmt_errormsg());
$ipc = "/tmp/packers"; // *** RIGHT HERE internalKey/IPC
$ctl = "*sbmjob";      // *** run state full ...
                    //     use SBMJOB command run in new job
                    //     PHP can call again, again, again
                    //     with /tmp/packers and get ...
                    //     same job every time
                    //     same library list (*LIBL)
                    //     same PGMs with open files, etc.
                    //     ... exactly like 5250 sign-on screen
// state full - MUST do this ONCE ONLY after start/sbmjob of XMLSERVICE job
//              then forget about it (unless you choose to change libl) ...
$clobIn =
"<?xml version='1.0'?>
$clobOut = "";
$ret=db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "ipc", DB2_PARAM_IN);
$ret=db2_bind_param($stmt, 2, "ctl", DB2_PARAM_IN);
$ret=db2_bind_param($stmt, 3, "clobIn", DB2_PARAM_IN);
$ret=db2_bind_param($stmt, 4, "clobOut", DB2_PARAM_OUT);